Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Role I got♥

My role in the group is a project manager. So far i think i a pretty good at the job. i help people when they need help and I think i usually keep the group on track. Me and my team I think have come along way.All of use have different and very creative ideas. Therefor sometimes we disagree. But when my team disagrees we usually decide to use a few of the ideas to make one that we all like. When we do that we all get at least a little of what we want in the idea. I am really looking forward to getting to see how people like our game. The only thing i am worried about its the negative comments. I know how hard we work and I would hate for somebody not to like the game that we are working so hard and putting alot of time into. Our inspiration for the game was actually another game. Out inspiration was pacman. I really like the game and the other ones in my group did to so we wanted something kinda close to it.

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