Well, Its another not so wonderful Friday. I need about three more hours of sleep then I think i would be ready for anything the day had to offer me- even school. As I was looking over some of the other schools team pages and things I noticed that there really wasn't to much to look at. I feel that what EGMS had accomplished looked ok but I am really proud of our group. Since our game is so complicated I don't think I would use any of there codes because what they had done didn't look like it had any code at all. I love the game we have and don't think looking at the games from there school would make me want to change it at all. I commented on two teams stuff, and my comment gave a few positive things and something I think they should work on. The problem they had the most was not having any code on there stuff, some of the team pages didn't have anything at all uploaded and if they did it was something simple like buttons.
Tiling with One Arc-Sided Shape
6 years ago