Friday, December 18, 2009

Math Games Are fun?

Can math Games be fun? When this question is asked I would usually say NO! But the reason I would say no is because I really don't like math at all. When I play some math games on FunBrain they can be alot of fun. I think the games that are fun usually have a math question then a fun thing to follow. As my blog readers already know I am not a fan of math and I really don't think there is anything that can be done to make it anymore fun. One of the math sites I really enjoy is FunBrain. There are games that you can play for just about any topic.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Adding Interaction

Wow; Almost Christmas time which means time for a break..Yay.So far this week I have completed adding sound and interaction. Well what can I say about this topic so far.... I am so happy it is over. Week after week we do things that are basicly the same. Well this week things have really picked up and we have had to step up and finish what seems like everything. Ading interaction has been really tricky. One of the websites I got a sound from would not let me add it to my flash file and after five or six trys i got really angry. I think adding sond was just as hard though. I hope as this year progresses I can do all this without havong to use a guide in the last things we do(:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My free as a bird blog(:

This year has had so many things happen in it. The main thing that has changed for me has actually been in this class. You may wonder what I am talking about well I ma talking about my group. The two people that are in my group are Bobby and Nathan. When we first started off in this class I was not happy about who my group was but, as the year has gone on I have really started to appreciate them(: Both of my team mates have strong and weak points. But I have noticed that when one has a a probem the other can fix it! Some of the other teams still complain about there group but I don't think i would trade mine if I could(: What a year♥ Oh and my goal before the end of this year will be to become closer to the group then I already was. I and also hope that we have a good gae to present because we all work so hard in this class that has so many ups and downs.