Friday, September 25, 2009

My Globaloria Year so far..........

Wow, so far I feel like this class has been great I feel like i have already learned so much and its only the first few months of being back. There is so much about Globaloria that I find fascinating, the main thing for me would be how quick we have picked up on all the things we have to know. For me the learning log looked hard and I thought I would mess up but after the first time I had it. This class has so far provided alot that nobody else knows how to do. We get to us flash and we get to blog and alot of other stuff people thinks is boring. But this class is so much fun. Its opened my eyes to see that this is actually the most interesting class I have ever taken. The playing to learn unit to me was a blast. There was one game I wanted to play everyday and I still find it quite interesting. We haven't done that much as far as making a game but we have learned how to make things move and that's pretty difficult. So i can only imagine how hard it was to make a full game and share your idea within that game. I have played at least one game froem every genre.The Cost of Life is the game I like so much. Its just a great game!! I think Viddler has been a great source to find information about what you need and watch it in a video so you don't have to read. Flash is a really cool program and I hope that I become alot better at it or I might have a hard time in this class. I hope that with flash I have a completed game before the end of the year and I hope the game that I make is a success. When we get our group together I would like to be the artist.I'm not that good in art but it seems like something that would really push me to do my absolute best!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Internet Responsibilities

When we are using the internet there are alot of things we should know. We should know how to keep personal information in our school and not outside of it. And when we give our information we need to make sure it is going to a person you can trust and know pretty well. When you use the internet it is also important that we know exactly what where doing so hackers don't get in to our system and steal peoples information. In this Globaloria class most of our personal stuff is kept to a minimum and when we keep all that on the down low I think we keep ourselves pretty safe. But there are alot of people that know what they are doing and can hack into our data base and steal information. So when I am at school on the internet and the teachers tell me exactly what to do I feel pretty safe because i trust that they wont put me on a site that could get me harmed in anyway. I feel like the internet is usually safe, most people aren't aloud to use a computer until a certain age and I know in my house when I reached the age my parents still wanted to know everything I was on. In my opinion the only time I feel like the internet is a problem is when you put yourself in danger. But i also feel like the internet is safe because you have to sign an agreement form before you can use a computer and it tells you what you can and can't get on.

Friday, September 11, 2009

One of the many questions we have to answer..

Well when I am asked do I like math I cant really say yes or no. For me there is mixed feelings. Math is ok.. Its not my favorite subject at all. I think maybe if i where better at math I may like it more but its just a subject I really struggle with. My favorite lesson in math would probably have to be turning fractions into decimals. But I also like scientific notation. I like both of these lessons because if you need help you have your teacher but you also have a calculator. Sometimes when you can't use the calculator your teacher will allow you to be with a partner. I really enjoy working with a partner or group because you get to see what your classmates know. But I like using a calculator when i am stuck to because it is usually pretty quick. My least favorite lesson in math would have to be order of operations using decimals. For me that makes things ten times harder then they would usually be. This lesson is hard to me even using a calculator. I really don't know why I struggle with it so much but I do. I also struggle with multiplying decimals. I just don;t think that decimals like me at all. They are always giving me a hard time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What I would like to do in this class.

In this Globaloria class I hope that I learn alot about all kinds of stuff. I want to learn how to make my game better then last years by learning all I can from my wiki page. I would like to make my game about problems I had when I was younger in class. I would really like to make the game focused towards up coming sixth graders to help them when they first get to middle school.But I want the game to be focused in there math journey because thats what i had the biggest problem with. Hopefully my game will succeed in helping kids through this by educating them about what you will need for math class. I am pretty excited about being in this class so far. I am really looking forward to everybody playing my game and hopefully talking about how much fun they had and how helpful it was for them to play my game.Wehn I was first in middle school i needed alot of help with fractions so I am wanting the game to be about fractions and everything there is to learna bout them! I am a little bit scared about how peoples reaction will be to my game. I am worried that people will be judgemental of my game like they are to people on the first day of school. I want people to be like I love Kegan's game. And people from last year didn't really talk
that much about the games that where made. But so far globaloria has been a blast!!